WithNetherheaven, Davidson has had it up to HERE with rightwing Christian extremists and is fighting back with one of the most potent forces on this earth (above it and below) — a bid to make death metal Satanic again. “Diabolical Majesty” is a call for all of Hell’s inhabitants t...
WithNetherheaven, Davidson has had it up to HERE with rightwing Christian extremists and is fighting back with one of the most potent forces on this earth (above it and below) — a bid to make death metal Satanic again. “Diabolical Majesty” is a call for all of Hell’s inhabitants t...
Africans Worshiped One God – Angelic Wisdom The Divine Lord United Himself to Jehovah Soul And Body Adorations and Charity – Angelic Wisdom The Magi – The Epiphany The Harmony of Angelic Speech – Angelic Wisdom Heaven Within Thee The Shortest Way to God Faith Without Love The Valley and th...
2022.05.21 宣讲於洛杉矶美佛寺 《梁皇宝忏》的缘起,要追溯到梁朝的梁武帝。大家知道,梁武帝是一位极力护持佛教的皇帝,在中国的佛教历史上,可以说是一位佛教的大护法。他在位的时候,建寺斋僧,大力地弘扬佛法,使得佛教得到了前所未有的发展。唐朝的诗人杜牧曾经在他的诗句里面特别提到:『南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟...
2022.05.21 宣講於洛杉磯美佛寺 《梁皇寶懺》的緣起,要追溯到梁朝的梁武帝。大家知道,梁武帝是一位極力護持佛教的皇帝,在中國的佛教歷史上,可以說是一位佛教的大護法。他在位的時候,建寺齋僧,大力地弘揚佛法,使得佛教得到了前所未有的發展。唐朝的詩人杜牧曾經在他的詩句裡面特別提到:『南朝四百八十寺,多少樓台煙...