$1,000,000 video series, MrBeast looks at hotel rooms of varying dollar amounts. He starts with the cheapest hotel in the world, actually just a mat in India you can rent for $1 a night to sleep on. By the end, however, he’s living it up in a hotel room reserved for the ric...
6. Night of the Living Dead (1968) – Homor George A. Romero’s classic movie The Night of the Living Dead is a groundbreaking work in American horror movies. The story follows seven people who are trapped in a rural farmhouse in western Pennsylvania and attacked by a group of cannibalisti...
In time, our entire planet, all living things on the planet, and the entire universe beyond it, are transformed into paperclips. Nothing existed internally to stop the machine and nothing external was able to stop it. It. Just. Kept. Going. The paperclips were not included in the Philosop...
I love all the Yoga with Adrienne videos. She has a dog named Benji who sometimes wanders into the video and it’s sweet and hilarious. If you do them on a regular basis, you feel yourself getting stronger. But even if you only do one every once in awhile, you will feel better. R...
‘We Lived in a $650 Million Dollar Earthroamer’ shows some of the more off-the-road adventures this couple has embraced together, keeping viewing interesting for their viewership. How Much Can Vloggers Make on YouTube? How much can a YouTube Vlogger make? I heard rumors that it can be...
On November 19., Youtube blocked the very popular, left-leaning German independent media site KenFM[16]. October: YouTube removed the channels of The Last American Vagabond, Mouthy Buddha, Dollar Vigilante[17][18] and Derrick Broze's "The Conscious Resistance Network"channel.[19] June: The ...
6. Living on One Dollar Living on One Dollar originally began as a series of YouTube videos created by friends Chris Temple, Zach Ingrasci, Sean Leonard, and Ryan Christofferson as they experienced what it was like to live on less than $1 per day in rural Guatemala. This final compilation...
This set of 8×10 UNFRAMED PRINTS includes a uniquely designed wall art decoration for any home, office, living room, bedroom, bathroom, family room, man cave, dorm, dining room, kitchen, classroom, apartment, bar, baby nursery and more. Not only will this wall decor add a special touch...
YouTube is a great educational resource for day traders that are more inclined toward learning through a video format. What are the best YouTube trading channels? It’s a subjective question, so if we’re going to make the most quantitative decision possible, we can go by number of ...
despite what he does for a living, Jesus is always trying to escape his life in the Spanish mafia. He’s actually very funny and loveable. Throw in a tragic childhood and all those little conversations really aren’t tangential at all. They’re the key to the character’s choices. That...