Citations Citing a YouTube video in APA format requires certain information, like the real name of the individual who posted the video on YouTube, their YouTube username, the full date when the video was uploaded, the title of the video, and the video’s URL. Give your writing extra ...
In-text citation Example (Chegg, 2018) View Screenshot Citing a YouTube channel Now that you know how to cite YouTube in APA style, you may need more specific information on citing channels, quotes, or comments. Instead of citing one particular YouTube video, you may want to cite an ent...
Download citation Accepted21 June 2023 Published28 July 2023 Issue DateFebruary 2024 DOI Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sh...
The MLA provides a template of the core elements found in citations. Most sources have common attributes, like an author, a title, and a date of publication. TheMLA template of core elementslists those elements in a certain order, and that’s how you determine which elements to list in a...
Frodeman, Robert
This information is usually easy to find on a YouTube video. You can get a condensed link for a YouTube video to make your citation look nicer by clicking on “share” and then copying the shortened link that appears on the screen. ...
Chapter 3 first examines tween girls’ dressing from a popular culture paradigm. It attends to the popular argument in the discourse of sexualisation that girls are heavily influenced and adversely affected by the images that they see on Western popular.
The preceding link is to an interactive map that shows the airports with dedicated web pages and videos. AuthorbruceairPosted onJanuary 14, 2023CategoriesTagsLeave a commenton “From the Flight Deck” FAA Videos Gusty Crosswinds at Skagit Regional ...
Kim, Chosun
Sex, Nudity, and Humor: A Content Analysis of Condom Advertisements and Taboo Content on YouTubeStruss, MatthewStorch, SharonBeekman, Mark