Kedi is a 2016 Turkish documentary film directed by Ceyda Torun. A profile of an ancient city and its unique people, seen through the eyes of the most mysterious and beloved animal humans have ever known, the Cat. Released: 2016 Directed by: Ceyda Torun 47 This Is Everything: Gigi Gorgeou...
Royal watchers and history buffs alike will be intrigued by this revealing documentary delving into Princess Diana's tumultuous life behind palace walls - exploring her joys, sorrows, and enigmatic legacy. Featuring exclusive interviews and never-before-seen footage, it provides a fascinating gl...
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However, this is just the setup and the rest of the movie is about how messed up love can be and how hard it is to finally get things right. The movie was a hit upon its release, winning over fans and taking home awards at both the People's Choice Awards and Teen Choice Awards, ...
Presented in illustrated documentary, what we know of his story, and the history of our community he inspired. Radical Incline Original Videos Playlist In order of shiniest-and-newest to oldest-and-moldiest all the radically inclined vids. ...
GVMERS is an insanely underrated documentary style channel. They mostly cover HD era games (PS3 and Xbox 360) and that channel is fantastic. Of course, there's LGR. He's more PC tech than games, but retro PC gaming is the main staple there. Always fascinating stuff.RMC - The Cave ...
Whether you need an image for your blog post, a soundtrack to your video or that YouTube clip for your documentary, if you’re dealing with multimedia it’s likely you’ll end up using – or wanting to use – someone else’s work as part of your own. ...
Last year, Rooster Teeth released the documentary "The World's Greatest Head Massage: An ASMR Journey," where filmmakers traveled to Pushkar, India to find Baba the Cosmic Barber. Unbeknownst to Baba,he had become a YouTube sensationafter people had been uploading videos of his "cosmic energy...
Enjoy your life. 2. The Wise Man People have been coming to the wise man, complaining about the same problems every time. One day he told them a joke and everyone roared in laughter. After a couple of minutes, he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled. When he ...
If you thought Arnold Schwarzenegger was a weird adult, you should see young Arnie in this documentary shot during his days as a young body-builder. Through a series of interviews with Schwarzenegger in the days before the Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia competitions (and during said events), ...