Facebook and Twitter. Users also have the option to share their clips with a select group of people by keeping the clip unlisted, or limit access to themselves by uploading to their own private feed. Sharing options for any video can be changed through the app or ...
Does ANYONE like the new YouTube layout? No? Didn’t think so. Google, just give us YouTube back. Reply Anon says: 7 November, 2013 at 12:26 pm If you already haven’t sign and share this: https://www.change.org/petitions/google-change-the-youtube-comment-section-back-to-its-...
Note that the “German Squad in Combat” indicates a pistol instead of a rifle as a weapon for the ammo carrier, but it seems that this is incorrect and is probably from an old layout, when the squad consisted of an LMG and rifle team. (Sources: Buchner, Alex and http://www.wwiida...
This changed things drastically. This hike turned out to be even more difficult than Reinebringen (the previous day) with a more harsh incline. After another hour of hiking, we made it to the summit completely worn out. Somehow the view from the summit managed to top the previous day as ...
This was the reason, why the gun mantlet was changed. As you can see here, the lower Panther is a later variant. Here, the same shot will not be directed towards the hull if it ricochets. Reentrant angles are also relevant when attack by high-explosive shells, because they will also ...
Now that media is digital, "they" have changed the rules via the DMCA to say that everything is different now and you're essentially not allowed to record anything unless it is expressly allowed by the locked-down system provided by the overlords where recordings can be removed on a whim...
Well, it is all going downhill at YouTube right now. And we have to turn our heads when one of the most popular posts of the month is theannouncement that this new commenting system had launched. What happens when we read the comments? We find out people hate it! Literally… it’s ...
They changed the layout of the website, now it doesn’t work anymore! Now I have to read shitty “O YEH WELL UR MOM” comments again. A sad day, truly. March 31, 2010 at 10:04 am köpek says: I’ve tried this twice and cannot get it to work at all. I’d REALLY love...
Close-Order formations were abandoned if the situation changed due to terrain, hostile activity or other circumstances. The basic extended order formations were the Squad Column or “Schützenkette”and the Skirmish line or “Schützenreihe”. The squad column in extended order was not a straight ...