), it can be a good idea to target only people who’ve set their main language to Archi. But, in case you’re using a language (like English) that a ton of people understand, this is less important. For example, a huge part of the world may not have their first language...
Ever wondered why you look hotter than Brad Pitt in some photos, but like a washed-out alien in others? Sorry, we can't help there. However, if you're interested in the underlying processes of how an image goes from your phone's camera to its screen, this is a fun way to spend f...
The First Criteria Of An Up-Sell Creation Is, To Put The Price Tag At Least Twice The Minimum Price Of The Front-End Offer. This is so important, because Your Main Revenue Generator Is The Up-Sell. Now that you’ve put the price of your Up-Sell at least twice the value of your ...