10 Years 10 Films (10Y10F) is a project to display embedded YouTube selections of world cinema. This series aims to give the audience a quick time-lapse view of how movie technology and style has developed throughout the world – one clip each year – from 1888 through 2017, starting wit...
The original 1933 "King Kong" could accurately be called a horror movie. Inhabiting the surreal, nightmarish world of Skull Island, the ape of the title ate and stomped on humans, and most notably abducted an actress whose clothes he tried to peel off. Many of these moments of Kong's mi...
大金剛 King Kong (1976) 大蘋果再次被可怕的金剛圍攻。 傑夫·布里奇斯和傑西卡·蘭格主演了這部雄心勃勃的 1933 年原版翻拍片,為故事增添了大量的營地和樂趣,再次,巨大的猿在紐約街頭與攻擊機進行戰鬥,這一次從 在世界貿易中心的頂部,他在數千名驚恐的圍觀者中死去。 《金剛》憑藉特效贏得了奧斯卡獎,在這部經典...