12. Hokey Pokey Song13. I Believe in the Dream14. Jingle BellsGracie’s Corner Kids Hits, Vol. 3 Track List 1. Juneteenth Song2. Mary Had a Little Lamb3. Money Song4. Months of the Year5. Opposites Song6. Phonics Song7. Potty Song8. Shapes Song9. Sigh...
💡Cocomelon 也叫ABC kidsTV,是YouTube排名第二的英文童谣订阅频道(排名第一的就是Super Simple Song),它拥有海量原创3D视频资源。 Cocomelon的画面非常可爱逼真,3D形象,人物整体感觉非常生动活泼,主角是相亲相爱的一家五口,爸爸妈妈,哥哥姐姐,...
Everyone knows the tune to the ABC song—it has been used for generations to teach kids the alphabet. This is becausemusic can be a great learning tooland can be used to teach a plethora of subjects. We’ve searched YouTube and found a few channels featuring some of the best educational...
in particular, have enjoyed great success on the streaming site and, until recently, had been the majority of the most-viewed videos in YouTube's history. Music videos still account for 40% of the top 10 most-viewed videos, however. The other 60% is content ...
Swear Around the Kids We know some parents chose to get a sitter and make a BSU home game a strictly adult outing. Others bring their kids. Our parents were season ticket holders when we were younger and those games helped build some fantastic memories. Don’t ruin that for the next gene...