This video of her reading the story Harry the Dirty Dog to kids reminds you of her gentle soul and subtle humor. It’s just under five minutes long, but her love of animals and sweet voice will make kids feel like their grandma is reading them a bedtime story....
We believe in the power of storytelling, and we invite you to become part of our story. 3:28 显示点赞 Rusinova Elena 2019年10月1日0:21 Read Aloud For Children"I read children's books aloud for kids. The video ...
AliMiMi is similar to Miss Rachel’s YouTube singing channel for toddlers. Though the audio is a bit grating, many kids enjoy her approach to teaching Mandarin. Subtitles are in simplified Chinese, English, and sometimes Pinyin. Most videos are 5 minutes long.Watch AliMiMi in Chinese onYouTu...
Prescriptive Buyer Journeys Sales Development Sales Plays SMB Marketing Team Member Social Media Policy The Source Handbook User Engagement UTM Strategy Virtual Events People Group People Policies Product Development Flow Product Handbook Sales Security at GitLab ...
YouTube’s most popular (if not only) “mathemusician.” Vi Hart combines her love of music, her amazing doodling skills, and her remarkable knowledge in all things math, and brings us internet gold. Here’s one of her videos, dedicated to a circle constant. ...
Content Music only Access everything on YouTube, encompassing YouTube Music and YouTube Kids No Ad √ √ Listen in the background √ √ Price $13.99/month $10.99/month Does YouTube Come in Lossless or Hi-Res Music? No, it doesn't, even if you are a Premium user. YouTube uses M4A...
Picture Chinese for Kids Vocabulary in Sentences Season 1 produced by Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett, “Miss Panda” Broadcast on Miss Panda Chinese channel on YouTube Miss Panda in Action Miss Panda creates a Happy, Playful, and Engaging Experience Where Children Want to Come Back for More ...
YouTube Premium also containsYouTube Kids, with parental controls and restricted browsing. For those consumers who use YouTube and YouTube Music and can’t stand being interrupted by adverts, YouTube Premium is a cost-effective option over a Music Premium subscription, for only $2 more a month...
We’ve searched YouTube and found a few channels featuring some of the best educational songs for kids. At first, I thought I may have been out of school too long and the resources I used might no longer be cool or just seem outdated. After researching, I found that some of the songs...
We had lunch and he said: “We need an answer to Doctor Who.” Twenty years earlier, I’d been enrolled at a boarding school full of German kids. We were all the best of friends, and knowing that only seven or eight years earlier our fathers would have been trying to kill each othe...