josh吧 piscesin2006 官网上新版的Biography,关于All That Echoes的介绍 With his sixth album, All That Echoes, Josh Groban has at once built on the touchstone artistry that has made him a global pop star for more than a decade and expanded his ambitious reach into richly rewarding new territory...
这是我与高丽棒子在omegle上的交锋~都是一些很简单的英文~应该可以看懂吧~太多了~我就不翻译了哈~亲们~帮忙顶一下~让大家看清他们的嘴脸~ You're now 分享3赞 josh吧 piscesin2006 官网上新版的Biography,关于All That Echoes的介绍 With his sixth album, All That Echoes, Josh Groban has at once built ...