Lighthouse Trails has been a vocal critic of The Chosen for over two years because we firmly believe that the “Jesus” being portrayed in The Chosen is a false christ and not the “authentic” Jesus that producer Dallas Jenkins insists he is. Sadly, many Christians have become absolutely en...
by Mike StanwoodFree-lance writer and researcher for the Gospel of Jesus Christ This September 15th, Willow Creek Association began to distribute the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Church-wide study, as recently announced on Peter Scazzero’s website. (EHS and Willow Creek Partner to Spread the ...
361. Wax: "Jesus Christ": 1:44 - 2:05 MKV TXT JPG 362. We Love You (Official Full-Length) Rainbow Gathering Documentary: 10:15 - 10:36 MKV TXT JPG 363. We Love You (Official Full-Length) Rainbow Gathering Documentary: 15:54 - 16:23 MKV TXT JPG 364. WeAreChange Reaches Half A...
He is an American citizen, therefore he has the right to say much worse about “the prophet” Muhammad, “the son of god” Jesus Christ and any other “god” or “prohpet” that he wants to. The American media, predictably, is acting as if this man has something to answer for (or ...
unnoticed and warmly welcomed by those who would rather be carried along by emotion rather than grounded in the truth; many of which are gullible women. After watching a couple of the episodes, and downloading the app with a face staring at me; I deleted app and the image of this jesus....
What the movie matrix did not explain is that neither the “blue” pill or the “red” pill is good for you. A fake choice when the real choice is believing in the discernment of Jesus Christ and not a primary color mix scheme. Unfortunately it appears that most have already drank the...
If you believe in Jesus Christ then you are saved and you are in salvation and you have gained God’s righteousness. It matters not how much you have sinned in the past, in the present and especially in the future. Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior and you ...
imagine my disgust. When my 2 year old watches an innocent show like pocoyo, I do not want to see the Jason Bourne movie being advertised ( "Jesus Christ its Jason Bourne'). This is basically profanity. It's blasphemy. You don't want profanity on your comments but put them in your ...
12. The Real Jesus Christ After Jesus’ death, there was a power struggle among his followers. This resulted into a split between Paul’s group and those of Jesus’ family and closest disciples. This latter group left no written references that could point to their version of the Christ’s...
Although he believed in God, he had no personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It wasn’t until joining the Navy after high school, and being assigned to the submarine base in Holy Loch, Scotland, that he put his trust in Jesus Christ. Not being raised in a Christian home, he was a ...