They're great until it automatically downloads malware without asking nor without warning like I said thank god for google for blocking that unwanted download but just the .mp4 file was all i needed in order to archive lost media from an abandoned yt channel. Anyways their site is a lost ...
I would humbly like to thank God for giving me the necessary knowledge, motivation, resources and idea to be able to execute this project. Without God's permission this would never be possible. For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen...
Step 2: Create a YouTube API Key in Google Console Step 3: Create and Customize a YouTube Channel Feed Step 4: Embed the Latest YouTube Channel Videos in WordPress Schritt 1: Installieren und Einrichten eines YouTube-Video-Plugins Der einfachste Weg, die neuesten Videos Ihres YouTube-Kanals...
I go here I'm gonna win all his pieces momentarily his Rook is completely trapped nice foreign I'll take on D7 he can go here oh [ __ ] how did I blunder that oh my god what have I what oh I won anyway that was so bad how the [ __ ] did I lose my piece oh my God ...
Two years later,Pikotaro is back with this new hit, showcasing a humourous side of the Hungry Jack’s brand, tapping into culture and merging two fan favourites together. Says Claudia Cullen, brand marketing manager, Hungry Jack: “We wanted to create something that made our audience laugh ...
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I've Never had this happen before and I pray that it Never happens again! I'm NOT prudish but when the F-word, and girl's "P" word is being sung after the Word of God...THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. I hope that you will correct this unfortunate situation. I am usually listening ...
I would humbly like to thank God for giving me the necessary knowledge, motivation, resources and idea to be able to execute this project. Without God's permission this would never be possible. For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen...
I would humbly like to thank God for giving me the necessary knowledge, motivation, resources and idea to be able to execute this project. Without God's permission this would never be possible. For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen...
I'm with the artists here. For all that I bitch about the artificiality and god-awful, brainless, idiotic repetition in vocals today, at least they're PEOPLE doing the singing (at least mostly). And who in their right mind accepts a limited offer for what could we...