I am a dedicated user of YouTube from China, and I am writing to you because my YouTube account has been suspended, which has left me quite concerned and perplexed. Through this appeal letter, I hope to receive your understanding and support to have my account reinstated. First and foremos...
They are constant and I am not a conservative guy at all but it’s weird. But the main problem is even if I block the ads, they still come. I have blocked the ad for that tower defense mobile game at least 15 times and it continues to keep coming back. So with that being a sil...
问在Android上YouTube应用程序中设置媒体播放位置的亚行shell命令ENAndroid支持播放网络上的视频。在播放网络上的视频时,牵涉到视频流的传输,往往有两种协议,一种是HTTP,一种是RTSP。这两种协议最 大的不同是,HTTP协议,不支持实时流媒体的播放,而RTSP协议就支持。Android中自带的播放器,以及VideoView等都支持上述...
noted.lol: How I Control What Media My Kids Watch Using Tube Archivist, [2022-03-27] [link] thehomelab.wiki: Tube Archivist - A Youtube-DL Alternative on Steroids, [2022-01-27] [link] reddit.com: Celebrating TubeArchivist v0.1, [2022-01-09] [link] linuxunplugged.com: Pick: tubear...
如果您通过 iTunes 进行订阅: 系统将在您确认购买后向 iTunes 帐号收取相应款项。除非用户在当前订阅期结束之前至少提前 24 小时关闭自动续期,否则系统会自动续期。在当前订阅期结束之前的 24 小时内,系统会按所选方案的费率向该帐号收取续期费用。完成购买后,用户可进入“帐号设置”对订阅和自动续期进行管理。
This is my favorite app. I have used it longer than any other and the easy navigation, and ability to customize playlist order is much appreciated. [Details that I vote to be refined] The small window of the current playing window has gotten larger. The current video strip at the bottom...
To access YouTube, simply open Smart Hub and select the YouTube app icon. Why can’t I find the YouTube app? There are several reasons you may not be able to see the YouTube app: Each year the Samsung Smart TV platform is updated, and YouTube may have removed support for the p...
Where do I find the YouTube video editor? The YouTube video editor is found on the YouTube Studio platform. From the main YouTube page, look for an icon in the upper-right corner that looks like a camera with a plus sign in the middle. Click this icon will launch YouTube Studio, ...
When the models do not have the same set of independent variables and error terms are correlated, SURE can lead to more efficient results than separate OLS (ordinary least square) estimations. Moreover, it is suitable to perform joint tests. The model consists of i = {AVoD; PVoD; TV} ...
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