You can learn almost anything online, includinghow to tune your guitar using Google Search. But if you want to learn how to play popular songs and original songs you've never heard of, For3v3rfaithful is the right place for you.
The 30-Day Uke Course is a follow up to last year’s 30-Day Uke Challenge. Last year’s challenge was for absolute beginners who never played an instrument before. In the first days of the challenge, people learn how to hold the ukulele and how to tune the instrument and by Day 30 ...
YouTube artist Emma Blackery posted afun-spirited, peeved anti-Google Plus ukulele songin reaction to the change, and was featured on a few tech blogs to the tune of over one million views, with over 30,000 likes in just three hours (and only 1000 dislikes). But her friend Hank no...
NBC now returns to its regularly scheduledAmerica’s Got Talent, the show where a dude who can withstand multiple shots to the nuts is given a shot at $1 million. But if the 16 acts already ensured a spot in