223. Out of Place Artefact Discoveries That Just Don't Make Sense To Us: 6:30 - 6:40 MKV TXT JPG 224. Out to Sea: 0:20 - 1:08 MKV TXT JPG *225. Penelope 2006: 47:00 - 47:15 MKV TXT JPG 226. PETRA - Get Back to the Bible: 0:42 - 1:08 MKV TXT JPG 227. Pisces Br...
Yes! Whether you’d like to learn how to construct citations on your own, our Autocite tool isn’t able to gather the metadata you need, or anything in between, manual citations are always an option.Click herefor directions on using creating manual citations. ...
Solution #1: When to format the YouTube account name as an uploader instead of the author APA, Chicago, Harvard Styles If you are citing a YouTube video in APA, Chicago, or Harvard style, the account that uploaded the video is considered the author. For APA, if the uploader’s real na...
JapanesePod101 has hundreds of videos for you to watch; in fact, the hardest challenge might be sorting through all of them. There’s a mixture of grammar, vocabulary, essential phrases, kanji, listening practice, reading comprehension, cultural information, study tips, and even practical guides ...
If you’re interested in historic documentaries, you should definitely head over to YouTube to watch this documentary now! 6. Filming Wildlife: Behind the Scenes Meet the photographers and people involved in capturing those stunning wildlife views. A 10 year study of Polar Bears, diving into cav...
Kevin DeYoung Why Jesus Reigns in His Resurrection (and Why This Matters for Us) Bible Teacher Presuppositional Apologetics: A Summary Mike Riccardi How to Study Theology: A Beginner’s Guide Bible Studies Looking Unto Jesus, Book II: The Alpha and the Omega (eBook) Isaac Ambrose Defining Esch...
As we begin our study of 2nd Peter, we have much more than a simple greeting from Apostle Peter, but the key to understanding Peter, the Bible, and all of life. Join us as we dig into Paul’s call in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 to do whatever it takes to get the gospel to everyone,...
t think that you know all the answers because there are very few of you in this listening audience who have ever, ever bothered to study anything beyond the end of your own nose. Nor have you ever listened to any other than the liar who stands behind the pulpit of your church and ...
Like any denomination, every pastor has his study and perspective. I grew tremendously in solid bible teaching from several Calvary Chapel pastors. I’ve been to several different ones as the Lord moved my family around. The point is, there are still great solid teachers in Calvary and other...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (WNW 461 12.11.2020) In a surprising move, YouTube is telling its users that it will “. . . remove videos questioning the Biden election victory.” This to me seems like a panicked reaction to the mounting evidence of v