to make it through the day; I thank God for peace and rest, and for little smiles from you; I thank God for rising stars, and for little hugs from you; For there is no blessing, such as this I found so true: It’s such a pleasure just walking home at the end of the day with...
As heartbreaking as it is to watch, Kongit Farrell, a relationship and sex therapist, points out the benefits of such public announcements. "It gives a sense of finality to a relationship when you make it public," she says, comparing it to declaring a weight loss goal. "If you announce...
Taking to YouTube to release the 22-minute audio clip, Spears said she “woke up this morning and I realized there’s a lot going on in my head that I haven’t shared with anyone.” She said that while she has been offered big bucks to share her story through interviews with famous ...