(Optional) If you wish to see how the models are evaluated in Kaggle system, you can do so by python inference.py --train_dir~/yt8m/models/frame/sample_model \ --output_file=$HOME/tmp/kaggle_solution_validation.csv \ --input_data_pattern=${HOME}/yt8m/3/frame/validate/validate*.tf...
Kaggle DeepMind TensorFlow The Artificial Intelligence Channel MITCSAIL Applied AI Course Robert Miles MLAIT Jabrils SethBling Jeremy Howard Up And Coming These channels have less than a thousand subscribers or less than 10000 views a month. Python Engineer Faraday Academy Ricky Garcia Pentacode Dev ...
We took part in the YouTube-8M Video Understanding Challenge hosted on Kaggle, and achieved the 10th place within less than one month's time. In this paper, we present an extensive analysis and solution to the underlying machine-learning problem based on frame-level data, where major challenge...
Around 1.5 years ago, I did ananalysis of YouTube trending videosin US. That analysis was performed on trending videos of some months in 2017 and 2018. The analysis received a lot of interest onKaggleandReddit; I also received some emails praising the work done. That was 1.5 years ago. ...
kaggle比赛之youtube视频分类示例 1.训练模型:建bucket,建job,提交运行。 BUCKET_NAME=gs://${USER}_yt8m_train_bucket_logisticmodel# (One Time) Create a storage bucket to store training logs and checkpoints. gsutil mb-l us-east1 $BUCKET_NAME...
Most of the models we proposed are very high compared to the baseline models, and the ensemble of the models we used is 8th in the Kaggle Competition. 展开 关键词: Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1706.07960 被引量: 4 ...
kaggle的公开数据。该数据集包含有关YouTube每日热门视频的数据。包括美国,GB,DE,CA和FR地区(分别为美国,英国,德国,加拿大和法国)的数据,每天最多列出200个趋势视频。 数据中category_id字段,在相关的json文件中。 该文章分析的是德国地区的YouTube的热门视频。
数据来源于Kaggle数据集网站,数据集地址:https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/rahulanand0070/youtubevideodataset 数据集介绍:youtube.csv 1.初始数据分析和预处理 1importpandas as pd2importmatplotlib.pyplot as plt3importmatplotlib.ticker as mticker4importseaborn as sns5frommatplotlib.font_managerimportFontPropertie...
Produce CSV (kaggle_solution.csv) by doing inference: python inference.py --train_dir ~/yt8m/v2/models/frame/sample_model --output_file=kaggle_solution.csv --input_data_pattern=${HOME}/yt8m/v2/frame/test*.tfrecord Similar to above, you can tar your model by appending flag --output_...
Kaggle DeepMind TensorFlow The Artificial Intelligence Channel MITCSAIL Applied AI Course Robert Miles MLAIT Jabrils SethBling Up And Coming These channels have less than a thousand subscribers or less than 10000 views a month. Python Engineer Faraday Academy Ricky Garcia Pentacode Dev Coffee Coding ...