We live in incredible times with such possibilities that is clear. Although its easily dismissed seeingGoogle’s new dermatology systemwasn’t built with darker skin,the relative landmass the big tech corps are taking in make believe mapsand seeingMob-rule encouraged by the Citizen app. To quote...
This social media function is usually not possible for linear TV, although broadcasters recently started to increase audience engagement, e.g., in live shows with audience questions or the possibility of writing (WhatsApp) messages. Nevertheless, due to the nature of the non-linear availability ...
The Bank of China, a state owned Chinese bank, hasannouncedits decision to provide at least 1 trillion Yuan in funding to companies in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector over the next five years, revealed an announcement on January 23. As part of the “Action Plan to Support the Devel...
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Before we get too far into the topic of monetization though, it’s worth mentioning that in order to maximize your revenue opportunities on YouTube, you’ll want to make sure your house is in order.Check out “How to Promote Your Music on YouTube” if you need help: ...
It was my great honour and pleasure to have an extensive ~2.5 hours four parts insightful video interview (watch here) with Ms.Mabel Cheung 張婉婷導演, an award winning director from the start of her career including her first student film (the famous “Migration trilogy“:The Illegal Immigran...
Press releases Gurhan Kiziloz Eyes Major Expansion of His $700M Empire Michael Graw10 hours Many believe the key to success lies in the perfect idea, but Gurhan Kiziloz's career illustrates that effective execution is paramount. His transition from a fintech startup to spearheading one... ...
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. Examples of associations between alcohol and a seemingly ostentatious lifestyle include “Work bitch” by Britney Spears: “You wanna Lamborghini, sip martinis, look hot in a bikini? You better work bitch! You wanna live fancy, live in a big mansion, party in France?” Other associations ...
Initially called ‘Video Identification’, YouTube launched it as a necessary step to ensure copyright-protected content could remain live on the platform.Content ID has improved dramatically over the years. As is the goal with the system, the majority of claims are made and stay with zero ...