But when i use-f bestvideo+bestaudio/bestI get the337video format that looks washed out : Not sure if this is intended or not , i don't have a HDR display either but the washed out color shouldn't be the one picked up when selecting bestvideo i think, ( i think, at least accord...
Load Custom 3D LUTs to Recreate Film Looks! Some cameras can output logarithmic colorspace to preserve the dynamic range, which is great for later post production, however when these files are viewed on a monitor they can look flat and washed out. 3D LUTs solve this problem because they allo...
I also compared Chrome's 1440p version and it still looks washed out compared to Safari. (But it is likely the same VP9 encoded version of the video, so that doesn't mean anything to look at the same resolution.) I would be shocked if the different codecs really have differing color ...