019 Busy As A Bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌 13:14 020 Birthday Suprise 生日惊喜 13:14 021 Win Or Lose 是输还是赢 13:15 022 Summer Days 夏日河边 13:15 023 The Holy Branch 冬青礼物 13:15 024 Topsy-Flopsy Day 兔兔颠倒日 13:10 025 Feast Day 宴会节 ...
019 Busy As A Bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌 13:14 020 Birthday Suprise 生日惊喜 13:14 021 Win Or Lose 是输还是赢 13:15 022 Summer Days 夏日河边 13:15 023 The Holy Branch 冬青礼物 13:15 024 Topsy-Flopsy Day 兔兔颠倒日 13:10 025 Feast Day 宴会节 13:10 026 Where Are My Acorns? 我的橡子哪...
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Can anyone else confirm if this applies to them as well, in the Bleeding Edge version of Edge (yeah no pun meant), if it is the only tab open I seem to be able to player4K@60or for that matter, any video with 60fps. The moment there is a second tab or more, Edge will ...
As parents and grandparents it’s important to be able to block entire content. So while they may be way past Coco Melon they are certainly not ready for Catnap. Inevitably it ends up in a war over what we want them watching and the elimination of what would be some great content (...
EsnPC(集成Mpv&YouTube)是本站制作的Foobar2000主题皮肤,支持浅色和深色模式切换,安装包集成众多音频解码插件、可视化插件等,同时集成 Mpv 视频播放插件和 YouTube 视频播放插件。文章源自《智享阁》智享阁-https://www.esnpc.com/foobar2000-themes-esnpc-v2-mpv-youtube/ ...
hardware to make this work. I got it working by setting my resolution to 1440 and then I can do anything else (Different Refresh Rates, HDR on, etc) and get 0 drops, anything bigger than 1440 and it drops as quick as when you walk in on a priest molesting a kid and he lets...
Are you the type of friend you would like to have as a friend? Is money the real source of happiness? What’s makes you happy? Are you always nice to people and do you expect something in return? Would you prefer to be hurt by someone you love most or by someone you trust most?
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“For the price of my two-bedroom flat and Nic’s two-bedroom flat, we were able to buy this chateau. It was the same amount of money as the sale of those two. It’s completely insane,”Jarvis says. Jarvis had grown up in a large home in England after her British father and Fren...