Hallmark Entertainment Network brings together TV movies and miniseries produced by the nation's top movie talents. Whether you're looking for something cheerful or a happy-ending romance, Hallmark movies bring new twists to the seasonal stories of love and family. About one-third of Hallmark Chan...
Boasting over 3 million subs and counting,PopcornFlixis one of the most popular free movie channels on YouTube. The site uploads new feature-length movies every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, offering movies in genres that include action, comedy, family, horror, drama, thriller, romance, Wester...
Hannah Morris (Sarah Drew) is a woman who has just been dumped before the holidays. But don’t worry,Christmas Pen Palsis a romance movie that can’t wait to set Hannah up with her next relationship. While visiting her family in their hometown, Hannah’s father, Ted (Michael Gross), c...
Chantel Jeffriesdatedpop star Justin Bieber briefly during the height of his legal troubles in January 2014. She then reportedlyhooked upwith him off-and-on for a few years, although she'sadamantly deniedany romance between them. The result has been a startlingly large celebrity presence of her...