”Fear and Desireproves the filmmaker a clear-eyed judge of his own work. That’s not to say there’s nothing to like in the hour-long war film, a meandering and tepid critique of theahem“police action” in Korea, but that those things to like are immature...
This quirky dramedy follows a grieving man who, after losing everything in a natural disaster, decides to sue God for negligence. As the court case unfolds, the protagonist finds unlikely allies and discovers deeper truths about faith and forgiveness. It's a heartwarming film that's sur...
Richard: God pointe. Målet er ikke at betale for annoncen; målet er at få dem til at købe noget. Men hvis de ikke skal være dem, der skal købe noget, kan de lige så godt springe annoncen over. Du vil ikke have, at folk bare ser den, fordi det er en interessa...
Immediately the little boy singled out the lagging, limping puppy and said, “What’s wrong with that little dog?” The shop owner explained that the veterinarian had examined the little puppy and had discovered it didn’t have a hip socket. It would always limp. It would always be lame....
Det betyder dog ikke, at du ikke kan oprette en svært at modstå annonce. Der er snesevis af overkommelige gør det selv platforme til at skabe video. Lad os tage et kig på nogle af dem!Canva Canva er en populær platform til at skabe alle former for visuelt indhold, ...
If Friday partying and "TGIF" (Thank God its Friday) were campaign movements, Rebecca Black would have most likely been given an award of recognition for pushing the movement to greater heights. The video was literally telling us how much we should keep looking forward to Friday, “with party...
Tactical Hotdog , 27 May 2023Nobody is forcing you to watch them. You're right, however they are forcing YouTube Shorts on our feeds, which is a visual annoyance. Reply NeonHD 6Fi 01 Jul 2023 Oh ok. For a second I thought it said YouTube was removing Shorts and was very happy....
Damn. Family Guy TV-MA You have to turn the volume all the way up to hear the song, and then a face pops up and scares the crap out of you! I hate it! Oh my god! It almost gave me a heart attack! I Can Talk Backwards The Newcomers ? SAJJAD ALI PRANK ? K-Fee Commercials ...
Here are twelve channels that gamers should be watching that are more entertaining than PewwwwwwwwwDiePIIIIIIIE! (God, that's annoying.) Vote up the most underrated YouTube gaming channels.1 Markiplier Photo: YouTube Likely the most recognizable YouTuber on this list, Markiplier is a colorful...
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him....