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Arrow Gamingtakes the top spot on this list, and this YouTube channel is run by the duo of Arrow AK and Arrow IB. Their videos provide gamers with an in-depth look at gameplay in Free Fire and offer tips on how players may improve it. They also give information to the audience about...
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结果显示,超人气游戏《我的世界》以超过千亿次的观看夺下了冠军。 YouTube统计的时间区间为今年1月至今年10月底,排名前五的倒序排名是沙盒游戏《Roblox》、角色扮演游戏《GTA5》、战术竞技游戏《Free Fire 》、战术竞技游戏《堡垒之夜》以及排名第一的《我的世界》。 截止至2019年10月底,《我的世界》相关...
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