The Navigatormines an ocean liner for every gag imaginable. Keaton plays a clueless rich young man who finds himself stranded on a giant, adrift ship with the clueless rich young woman who rejected him serving as his only company. These two spoiled upper-class twerps don’t know how to open...
the film contains many iconic moments, including Sean Connery's introduction as "Bond... James Bond," the shot of Honey Ryder (Ursula Andress) emerging from the ocean, and the debut of the international criminal syndicate known as the Special Executive ...
Nevertheless, in a scant century of fighting, these Bedouin tribesmen, inspired by the word of the Prophet, had carved out an empire stretching from the borders of India to the Atlantic Ocean — the largest empire that the world had yet seen. And everywhere that the armies conquered, large ...
The CEO’s comments mean the fake Drake / The Weeknd song “Heart on My Sleeve,” which went viral earlier this year before getting wiped from streaming platforms over copyright takedowns, wouldn’t be eligible. Another AI-generated scammersold fake Frank Ocean tracksin April for a...
Frank Ocean Frank Ocean, a member of hip-hop collective Odd Future and breakout solo star, is among the biggest names in contemporary music. In 2012, he posted a statement on his Tumblr account, in which he seemed to declare his love for another man. A few years later,Ocean released his...
Frank Ocean - 'Blonde' (2016) Released in the summer of 2016, the sophomore album of Frank Ocean (its first as an independent artist), is not only its most successful and long-lived work to date, but its iconic cover album became the most recognizable imagery related to the enigmatic ...
"there's always going to be some guy who drives a lamborghini into the ocean, or a cat that fell off a tree branch." or a guy in the other room, shouting at minecraft while millions watch along. join the wired community to add comments. sign in or create account julie muncy is a ...
Youtube A Love Song 852/1000 video 1 Billie Jean (Michael Jackson Live Acoustic Cover) Tyler Ward, Ahmir, Cobus On Drums 2 Titanium (David Guetta Cover) MattyB, Madilyn Bailey, Jake Coco 3 #beautiful (Mariah Carey Cover) Savannah Outen, Runaground 4 7 Things (Miley Cyrus Cover) Savan...