This quirky dramedy follows a grieving man who, after losing everything in a natural disaster, decides to sue God for negligence. As the court case unfolds, the protagonist finds unlikely allies and discovers deeper truths about faith and forgiveness. It's a heartwarming film that's su...
More than a few people, meanwhile, are beginning to ask who is running the country, since “Joe Biden” is mostly off-duty, beaching it, not attending cabinet meetings, and probably not being consulted on any number of matters being carried out in his name. Are you comforted to know tha...
Whenever I change the quality to 240p it automatically changes to a higher resolution (this is for the advanced option) And the fact that I have to change it every time is frustrating. And the auto one starts at a resolution of 480p.. there should be an option for 144p and 240p as...
Fox, Black Hawk Down, Pride & Prejudice, Prometheus, The Prince of Egypt, The Hunt for Red October, Stranger Than Fiction, and more! Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011) 99% #1 Critics Consensus: Beautiful, thoughtful, and engrossing, Jiro Dreams of Sushi should prove satisfying even for film...
Digital iron curtain: Russia’s clampdown on YouTube and the fight for free information As Kremlin censorship escalates, Russians grapple with a future of restricted digital access and the potential loss of the country’s most popular social media platform. ...
Tik Tok is nothing but a instrument good for being banned in every country in world. Instrument of SIN and for SINNERS nothing else is TikTok good for. Reply ? Anonymous vx4 27 May 2023 Good! Less bloat for the already bloated Youtube... 🤣🤣🤣 Reply ️ 🤣 1 of 3 ...
Måske er disse forberedelser. Måske er det folk, der er til countrymusik. Måske er det folk, der er til deres egne haver. Jeg ved det ikke. Og så er der måske ingen af de ting, der er sande. Men sådan ser min køber ud nu. Lad mig målrette mod ...
Poor people are being punished by god and community – that’s why you’re poor. If you’d been good, you wouldn’t be poor! This nonsensical belief comes out in fun comments like these. I don’t have that problem. You must have done something wrong. ...
What About Facebook, YouTube and Google? Posted onFebruary 8, 2023byDRenegade .@RepMTGto Yoel Roth: "You permanently banned my Twitter account but you allowed child porn all over Twitter." — Greg Price (@greg_price11)February 8, 2023...
## [1] "Thank god for Aung San Suu Kyi for doing this. I live in Yangon and I am so fed up with muslims acting like they own the world. They are cowards who need to stop their terrorist attacks, or else more of this will happen." ## [2] "You know west is weak, when even...