The Lady Vanishesis both hilariously dated and a by-the-numbers primer on how to make a near-perfect thriller. Far from Hitchcock’s first foray into suspense, the film follows a soon-to-be-married woman, Iris (Margaret Lockwood), who becomes...
Action fans will delight in this pulse-pounding thriller featuring Robert De Niro as part of an elite mercenary team assembled to steal a mysterious briefcase from an armed convoy. Packed with nail-biting car chases and twisting plot turns, the film is a masterclass in edge-of-your-se...
the free feature-length films are vast and diverse. The deep blend of paranormal, dark and twisted, suspense and thriller, and recently released movies is bound to keep casual and avid horror movie fans returning for more of the macabre. For instance, the channel recently uploadedHotel Hell, ...
Critics Consensus: Perfectly cast and packed with suspense, The Hunt for Red October is an old-fashioned submarine thriller with plenty of firepower to spare. Synopsis: Based on the popular Tom Clancy novel, this suspenseful movie tracks Soviet submarine captain Marko Ramius (Sean Connery) as he...
5. As long asOmnibusreaders answer the question in the comment thread at the private video link this year, I’ll send each of them my next thriller ebook as a gift. Free. No strings or demands for a newsletter sign-up. The new thriller comes out later this summer and it even ties ...
Dark Suspense Royalty Free Music by Alexander Vasenin, featuring electronic sounds and per...Beneath The Surface Theatre Of Delays 5:36 Dark Tense Royalty Free Music, featuring synth layers and ambience. Perfect for film sound...Hollow Eerie Whispers FoePound 2:12 Dark Cinematic Royalty Fre...
One of the Alfred Hitchcock classics from 1960, Psycho is the tale of a woman on the run, meeting a charming young man, who is a killer. It is one of the scariest movies online and it isn’t all “boo, gotcha!” This movie nails the suspense-thriller balance and will keep you on...
Chrisopher Walken's zany performance as Zorin in "A View To A Kill" risked turning Roger Moore's last Bond flick into an outright parody, but thankfully Zorin's chief assassin, May Day (Grace Jones), added some actual suspense to the story. Zorin spends much of the film scheming from ...
As the film opens, he tries to throw himself under a bus. His life is saved at the last possible moment by a druggie street kid named Marcus (Matt O'Leary), a teenage con man; he quickly sees this sudden relationship as an opportunity to crash at Troy’s house and raid the refriger...
Starring Keira Knightley and Carrie Coon as McLaughlin and Cole, respectively, this true crime thriller will surely have you on the edge of your seat throughout its brisk runtime. It's a film that focuses less on the grime and gore of the case and more on the investigative side of it,...