This is another very famous website with a beautiful user interface. The videos which are recommended to you here are sorted by the staff for you. When you enter this website, you will notice a sign-up form that is optional to fill. The most amazing feature of this website is it has...
Nothing brightens a space like clean and clear windows. Use a double-sided squeegee, fill a bucket with equal parts hot water and white vinegar, and add one tablespoon of dish soap. This mixture works particularly well for exterior windows. When using this technique on interior windows...
our storage bucket, which is the folder URL we copied from the Firebase step, and ourserviceaccount.jsonfile, which we also downloaded during the Firebase step. Next, we need to set up ourTemplatewhich will hold some JSON data. To do this, I selectTemplatesin the sidebar. This should pre...
and you got your fill of this kind of thing on “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” Oh, you’ve never seen that show? LUCKY YOU. Really wrestling here with the temptation to go on a rant about why I hated that show when it was on, but one rant a week is enough. The show is ...
Recent Posts Ephemeral Rift Official website and blog of the human behind the Ephemeral Rift YouTube channel The ERO has It’s own page Posts navigation ← Older posts
Always use a version control tool listed below to host your private themes! BitBucket: GitLab: If you want to keep your theme assets unencrypted, just change the value here to false. Enforcing security As of template version 11.0.0, theme...
channel_id=channelid" export YTFEED_RESUB_CALLBACK_ADDR='https://my.server.addr/path' export YTFEED_STORAGE_BACKEND='s3' export YTFEED_S3_ENDPOINT='my.s3.endpoint' export YTFEED_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID='acceskeyid' export YTFEED_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='secretaccesskey' export YTFEED_S3_BUCKET...
Create a Youtube name Logo maker for your Youtube profile Create your own Youtube logo Go ahead, fill in your company name and get your free youtube logo designs. You only have to pay when you're completely happy with your logo. Just try it, it's fun: ...
A 1,200-gallon bucket will constantly fill with water, tipping periodically to create a four-story waterfall. A variety of playful monkeys will theme Kima Bay. SIZE: The Kima Bay structure will measure 83 feet wide by 79 feet deep (front-to-back) by 43 feet tall. Kima Bay, with ...
Critters/Roskens Pizzais known for its amazing pizza. It ain't no Tombstone, my friend. This is homemade pizza with lots of toppings and a great-tasting crust. Enjoy your pizza with an ice-cold bucket of beer and chat up the locals and throw some darts. ...