ferent types of online video clips available on YouTube since 2011 in relation to the Syrian conflict, based on a media-ethnography of 400 online YouTube clips that were surveyed between 2014 and 2015. Finally, in the fourth section, the video categorisation of the third section will be used...
For example, within organisations, decentralised information systems can (often unintentionally) create multiple centres of calculation, lateral networks of surveillance and rhizomatical controls, irrespective of formal organisational hierarchies (Brivot and Gendron, 2011; Quattrone, 2016; Quattrone and Hopper...
Emily, a 28 year old mother of three from Texas also provides an example of her deep involvement with this online birth culture when she says: "I chose to post the video on YouTube.com because the videos that I had watched during both pregnancies were so helpful that I wanted to...
[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177027: Multiethnicity, Multiculturalism, migrations - contemporary process]doi:10.2298/GEI1202155BBlagojević ,GordanaInstitute of Ethnography, SASA, BelgradeGlasnik Etnografskog Instituta Sanu
a popular medium through which transgender people educate, document, and connect with others about many aspects of their transitions, little is known about how vlogging facilitates the production and sharing of trans-specific knowledge. Drawing on a virtual ethnography of YouTube vlogs, this chapter...
occasionally use of foul language, and sometimes even rational, civil discussion. Whatever the nature of its civility, YouTube provides a new arena for communication and collaboration between natives and non-natives, but new questions concerning authenticity, contextualization, identity, ethnography, and...
EthnographyConsiderable research over the years has been devoted to ascertaining the impact of media use on political cynicism. The impact of the Internet has been difficult to assess because it is not a single monolithic medium. For example, the 2008 presidential campaign was the first presidential...
1994. The virtual objects of ethnography. Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST), Montreal, QC, Canada; pp. 10–13. Available online: https://perpus.filsafat.ugm.ac.id/wp‑ content/uploads/sites/230/2017/11/Virtual‑...