YouTube and other video sites, such as Google Video and Vimeo, are highly popular, especially with young adults. These sites also provide English learners and ESL classes with tools to improvelistening skills. The advantage of these sites from a language learning point of view is that they off...
This channel provides not only basic lessons for beginners but also advanced tips for IELTS, Cambridge B1 Preliminary exams, Cambridge FCE (B2), and more. That’s what makes this channel suitable for both beginners and advanced ESL learners. There’s a new lesson every week so you won’t r...
Easy English Listening Practice - ESL Daily Conversation Lessons 2播放 30 Minutes English Speaking Practice - Common English Expressions 68播放 American English Speaking Practice with Shadowing English Conversation 1播放 English Easy Practice Short Stories For Listening & Speaking 186播放 2:45:56 【沙丘...
lotsofbuilt-inmotivationandchallengefor students,andreal-worldrewards…whenfamily, friends,classmates,andstrangerstheworldover watchyourvideosontheInternet. We(myschoolandyours)cancreateanever- expandinglibraryofonlinevideolessonsforESL students:linkingtoeachother‟sYouTubesites,OR ...
JenniferESL is another great resource for individuals wanting to learn English. It can be used individually or in conjunction with other language classes. JenniferESL groups lessons by subject – grammar, vocabulary, writing, etc. The Spanish Blog ...
Jennifer ESL 专门针对学习英语的听说读写,比较适合初学者,有发音的纠正,语速较慢 Lonely Planet 孤独星球出版社被认为是世界最大的私人旅游指南出版社,主要介绍各地观光旅游 Minute Physics 有关物理和宇宙有趣的小知识,边说边解释,通俗...
JenniferESL is another great resource for individuals wanting to learn English. It can be used individually or in conjunction with other language classes. JenniferESL groups lessons by subject – grammar, vocabulary, writing, etc. The Spanish Blog ...