5.Go natural English 最适合当英语听力素材的YouTuber,她有一个最常用phrase教学很值得一观。6.Engli...
3,English Lessons with Kate Kate的英语频道,订阅数过百万。这位姐擅长一人分饰多个角色,自己构建场...
1.2通过EnglishClass101.com学习英语 1.3Let’s Talk 学习英语 – 免费英语课程 1.4linguamarina 1.5用电视剧学英语 1.6嗯英文 1.7与 Ronnie 的英语 · EnglishLessons4U 与 engVid 1.8瑞秋的英语 1.9BBC 学习英语 1.10和 Vanessa 说英语 2其他推荐的国外 YouTube 频道 2.1学习英语实验室 2.27ESL学习英语 2.3美国之...
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JenniferESL 阿滴英文 Rachel’s English VoiceTube 看影片學英語 British Council LearnEnglish English with Ronnie · EnglishLessons4U with engVid Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons Benjamin’s English · Learn English with engVid...
There Be Dragons is a 2011 English-language historical epic film written and directed by Roland Joffé. It is a drama set during the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s and features themes such as betrayal, love and hatred, forgiveness, friendship, and finding meaning in everyday life. The...
Learn English with Mr. Duncan A. He is producing shorter video lessons.Mr. Duncan has been running a successful English-language YouTube B. He has tried to make his videos more fun.:hannel for over ten years. He lives in a pretty town in the UK and has an C. He is conducting ...
EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! [engVid] EngVid英语系列收录了数以百计的超级外教英语视频内容,所有的教程全部由有经验的Native Speaker录制,包含了英语语法,词汇,托福,托业,表达,书面,雅思等,帮助英语学习者练习听力。Ronnie是个挺逗的人,喜欢她的语法课程。
D. They both share life in English-speaking countries in videos.22. What change has Mr. Duncan made to his courses in the past few months? A. He is producing shorter video lessons. B. He is conducting free livestream lessons. C. He has tried to make his videos more fun. D. He ...
"We're eager to provide a better experience to users who come to YouTube every day to learn more about what is happening in the world from a diversity of sources," said Neal Mohan, chief product officer at YouTube.