Get Shorty John Travolta, Gene Hackman, Rene Russo 200 votes This witty crime caper follows Chili Palmer - a smooth-talking mobster who discovers his true passion for Hollywood while trying to collect a debt from a movie producer. Combining sly humor, stylish visuals, and all-star perf...
Back when YouTube was first introduced to us, simplicity was much more essential to get views. It was a time when viewers and users still couldn’t make out what the video was meant for. The “evolution of dance” video shows inspirational comedian Judson Laipply on one of his shows ]at...
That's thanks to YouTube, which was the on-ramp both to his flat-earth ideas and to his subsequent international stardom. Formerly a tech-support guy and competitive virtual pinball player, Sargent had long been intrigued by conspiracy theories, ranging from UFOs to Bigfoot to Elvis' ...
Instead, Marshall is confronted with ghosts, Elvis, immortality Tupperware, and a retainer that lets its wearer read dogs' minds — and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Along with his friend Simon and the mysterious, amnesiac Dash X, Marshall attempts to solve Eerie's mysteries ... or...
Title: How To: Cuban MotionDescription: Learn how to get your hips to do the "Cuban Motion". This is a popular hip action for many dances especially the Latin dances (Salsa, Cha Cha, Rumba, Merengue, etc...). Instructor: Michael Thomas. Video take at The Arts Center in Cartersville,...
only one. Please give us one chance to prove ourself to you. we know these things are annoying as hell we are sorry? about that. But we do anything to get music heard. Please visit our channel subscribe if you like and thumb this comment up so everyone can see w...
在第三次,可以选择第三次下拉列表中的“情节”。 此外,上一个和下一个按钮允许在第三次下拉列表中向后/前进。 我在以下两个项目中挣扎。 我想将特定情节链接到特定变量,与特定(11位)YouTube视频ID相对应 我希望IFRAME显示与动态下拉菜单中选择的系列季节纪录有关的特定YouTube-Video。
“What’s going on here?” I was working day-to-day as a priest — and still am — in the parish here in Oldcastle in County Meath. The pressure of trying to do your work, and then all this media stuff was building up, so I did need advice on where I was going to go next....
Not satisfied with hands-on video from hundreds of tech reporters at trade shows trying to get just an ounce of time with the device? Samsung’s sat down with the Galaxy Tab in their own private environment and has taken the liberty of putting their time with the tablet on video. You ...
---Sandra, who was the star of many hit musical films of the 50's and '60's, not only got to party with Sammy Davis Jr. and James Dean, but she also dated Frank Sinatra, Omar Shariff, Michael Caine, Trini Lopez, David Janssen, and Elvis Presley! Yes, Sandra knew how to have ...