In an official statement released on Friday, YouTube announced that it was officially reinstating Trump's access to his YouTube channel, enabling new videos to be uploaded to the account. Tweet may have been deleted "Starting today, the Donald J. Trump channel is no longer restricted and ...
Former President Donald Trump is allowed back on YouTube. In a statement Friday, the Google-owned video platform said that Trump’s decision to run for president again impacted its decision to allow him and his campaign back on. “Starting today, the Donald J. Trump channel is no longer ...
1/ Starting today, the Donald J. Trump channel is no longer restricted and can upload new content. We carefully evaluated the continued risk of real-world violence, while balancing the chance for voters to hear equally from major national candidates in the run up to an election. — YouTubeI...
"Whatever happened to free speech in our Country?," reads Trump's statement, later acknowledging the issue YouTube had was with his discussion of what he called the "Rigged 2020 Presidential Election." (Note: The election was not rigged. President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election....
Facebook, which has more than 2.3 billion monthly users, and Twitter, the social media site of choice forPresident Donald Trump, countered Cruz's claims. "Suppressing content on the basis of political viewpoint, or preventing people from seeing what matters most to them, is directly contrary ...
The company’s announcement comes about nine years after celebrity businessman Donald Trump began to get notice for claiming that Barack Obama, the nation’s first African American president, was not born in the United States. Trump repeatedly voiced citizenship doubts even after Obama produced his...
Q: What do you make of the role of social media in today’s politics? Take Donald Trump, the twitter president, for example, some say he has weaponized the social media, using it not just to reach the masses but to control the news agenda through bluster and distraction. What’s your...
YouTube’s ban of the six channels comes after Reddit banned a number ofhigh-profile and controversial subredditsearlier today, including r/The_Donald, and Twitch temporarily banned President Donald Trump for hateful conduct over commentsmade in two different streams. YouTube has faced pressure ...
财联社(上海,编辑 黄君芝)讯,继推特和脸书后,美东时间1月12日(周二)晚间,全球最大的视频网站YouTube宣布,已删除了特朗普总统最新发布的视频内容,并冻结账号至少一周,原因是其违反了煽动暴力的政策。 YouTube在声明中写道,“经过审查,考虑到出现持续暴力的可能性,我们删除了上传到Donald J.Trump频道的违反我们政策的...
The QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims US president Donald Trump is secretly battling an elite group of Satan-worshipping paedophiles, has been designated a “potential domestic extremist threat” by the FBI. Having already removed “tens of thousands of QAnon videos and terminated hundreds of ...