知名 Youtube 视频下载工具 youtube-dl 的 GitHub 账号被关闭,原因是美国唱片业协会向 GitHub 发出 DMCA takedown request,要求删除 youtube-dl 的项目。但不用慌张,官网仍然可以正常访问下载。官网地址:http://youtube-dl.org 另一个替代品 you-get 具有类似功能,地址:https://you-get.org。
最新消息是,youtube-dl在github的托管项目被关了,原因是美国唱片业协会向GitHub发出DMCA takedown request,要求github删除youtube-dl的项目及其所有分支。目前,打开youtube-dl的项目主页,会出现下图中的提示。(大概意思是:此项目收到DMCA通知,已被移除。)关于DMCA,估计有些宅友知道这个,但是有一些宅友可能是...
如果经常下载Youtube视频的老司机,尤其是程序猿,应该都用过 youtube-dl。 最近youtube-dl的github账号被关,原因是美国唱片业协会向GitHub发出DMCA takedown request,要求github删除youtube-dl的项目。 youtube-dl项目地址:https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl 只不过老司机们不用慌张,目前youtube-dl的官网仍然...
DMCA takedown requests by the long-running indie/punk label SST Records has resulted in a bit of collateral damage at YouTube. It turns out that bands never signed to SST Records had their videos deleted after SST Records requested YouTube remove its videos from the service. ...
DMCA stands for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. A Copyright Takedown request is submitted to YouTube manually. YouTube requires the copyright owner (that is, the one claiming that their content is being violated) to supply a detailed list of information regarding the content they want to ...
A manual claim on YouTube is triggered when a copyright owner files a DMCA takedown request. The request must be accompanied by the copyright owner's contact information, description of the copyrighted content they are seeking to protect, and a sworn statement of good faith belief that the vide...
It should come as no surprise to regular Techdirt readers that the DMCA takedown process is not onlywide opento fraud and abuse, but that those avenues are regularly used in real life for just those purposes. Takedowns tosilence criticism, takedowns to try tosteal trafficfrom others, or ta...
Fortunately,GitHub has made an announcementto prevent sudden DMCA takedowns and giving the developers a chance to clarify or take action as needed to reverse the takedown request. I know that it is an open source project and its code can be hosted on aGitHub alternative website like GitLab....
youtube-dlis dead, the project was discontinued in December 2022 after receiving a DMCA takedown notice from Google. In this tutorial, you will learn how to download mp3 tracks fromYoutubeusing theyt-dlptool. Of course, first, you will need to have it installed on your system. ...
GitHub, for what it's worth, has no choice but to comply with the DMCA takedown notice while this dispute is going on since they could be held liable if they did not. Thus, 18 GitHub repositories with YouTube-DL code were taken down, including the main repository. While the main reposi...