uYouPlus_IPA = /Volumes/Data_Macintosh/Sideloads/IPAs/YouTube_16.45.2.ipa uYouPlus_IPA = /path/to/your/decrypted/YouTube.ipa ### Important: edit the path to your decrypted YouTube IPA!!! include $(THEOS)/makefiles/ include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/ SUBPROJECTS += Tweak...
Find a decrypted YTMusic .ipa file (we cannot provide you this due to legal reasons) and upload it to a file provider( or Dropbox is recommended). Paste the url to the necessary field and click "Run workflow". Wait for the build to finish. You can download the tweaked IP...
Find a decrypted YTMusic .ipa file (we cannot provide you this due to legal reasons) and upload it to a file provider( or Dropbox is recommended). Paste the url to the necessary field and click "Run workflow". Wait for the build to finish. You can download the tweaked IP...
Find a decrypted YTMusic .ipa file (we cannot provide you this due to legal reasons) and upload it to a file provider( or Dropbox is recommended). Paste the url to the necessary field and click "Run workflow". Wait for the build to finish. You can download the tweaked IP...
[youtube] Decrypted nsig OJonZ4LjBhL-hzSjL => 0j6HLxrvCUtS4g [youtube] p3g2xZK3iJI: Downloading m3u8 information [youtube] p3g2xZK3iJI: Downloading m3u8 information [debug] Sort order given by extractor: quality, res, fps, hdr:12, source, vcodec:vp9.2, channels, acodec, lang, proto ...
uYouPlus_IPA = /Volumes/Data_Macintosh/Sideloads/IPAs/YouTube_16.45.2.ipa uYouPlus_IPA = /path/to/your/decrypted/YouTube.ipa ### Important: edit the path to your decrypted YouTube IPA!!! include $(THEOS)/makefiles/ include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/ SUBPROJECTS += Tweak...