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An analysis of YouTube videos covering COVID-19, uploaded in early 2020, in English and Hindi. The sample comprised 349 videos (n = 334 English). Videos were characterized by contributor, duration, content, and reception (views/likes/dislikes/comments). The majority contained general inform...
json()['news_results'] simplified_news = [] for news_item in news_results: # Check if this news item contains 'stories' if 'stories' in news_item: for story in news_item['stories']: timestamp = int(datetime.strptime(story['date'], '%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M %p, %z %Z').timestamp(...
谷歌与派拉蒙续约,YouTube TV保留后者内容 继不久前谷歌方面发布预警声明称,由于未能与派拉蒙达成续约协议,后者旗下 CBS 和 Nickelodeon 等频道自当地时间 2 月 13 日起,将无法在其付费电视服务 YouTube TV 上播放。随后在当地时间 2 月 13 日,谷歌方面宣布与派拉蒙达成短期延期协议,并继续洽谈相关合作后。 日前...