YouTube Bans Dangerous Prank Videos A recent "Bird Box challenge" featured videos of people engaging in activities while blindfolded. People also were sickened in a challenge that involved eating Tide detergent pods. Jan 16, 2019 Meet Emily Graslie, The Youtuber Who Became Chief Curiosity Co...
From theFestival of DangerousIdeas:Alissa Nutting’s Women Are Sexual Predators. Its a great talk andAlissareally outlines the appalling double standards. Within the talk there are parts which further my thoughts about whyI’m a feminist. Equality extends both ways.Its a complex equality… Got t...
our 144 ton Hydraulic press on this experiment where we test which is the most dangerous paper of them all! Do not try this at home!! or at any where else!! Who would have thought you could make paper explode with a little bit of pressure?! Excuse me a moment while I go rearrange...
Synopsis: A teen must face her fears in increasingly dangerous ways when horrible giants threaten to destroy her small town. [More] Starring: Zoe Saldaña , Imogen Poots , Jennifer Ehle , Madison Wolfe Directed By: Anders Walter The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013) 78% #56...
Publishing the latest batch of platform reports for April, the Commission said the tech giants have shown they’re unable to police “dangerous lies” by themselves — while continuing to express dissatisfaction at the quality and granularity of the data that is being (voluntarily) provided by pla...
or how many times rule-breaking videos get watched before YouTube takes them down. But the massive scale ofYouTube's total viewing, which the company doesn't detail, means how much people are actually watching these misleading, dangerous, hateful or offensive videos is still tr...
And that's where it got hairy: the company fully intended to let users access their Facebook data through Facebook claimed that Power was accessing Facebook's service "without permission." The court found that position dangerous, though—it would be a racket to establish a ...
Normies, incels and red-pilled: What are the dangerous ideas boys are being fed online? Influencers like Andrew Tate and Myron Gaines feed on male insecurity by offering spurious advice on mental health, money-making and fitness, but extreme misogynistic content quickly follows Thu Apr 18 2024 ...
He added that such instances highlighted the dangerous consequences of depending excessively on technological solutions, while quoting two recent incidents. “In Kerala recently, two 29-year-old doctors regretfully died when they were navigating using Google Maps and their car fell into the Periyar ri...
Ariana's episode, which saw her drive around LA with James Corden belting out her hits like 'Dangerous Woman' and 'Side to side' and harmonise like only she can was the seventh most watched YouTube video in the UK this year. 8 Dogs Tested To See Whether They'd Defend Owner During Ho...