One major reason why YouTube videos get demonetized is because they get acopyrightstrike from someone. For example, if you have used a video of someone else, without their permission and / or crediting the source, the original owner of the video may file a copyright claim against your video...
Three copyright strikes in a three-month period can take a video down for good. In ashort clipposted to his channel on January 29th, ObbyRaidz described it as “basically extortion.”“If I don’t pay this dude,” he said, “he’s going to strike a third one of my videos d...
The platform commits to employing AI technologies to identify and thwart issues such as copyright abuse, misinformation, and spam. YouTube's ambition is to utilise AI as a countermeasure, thereby safeguarding the interests of creators, artists, and the larger community. This strategy reflects You...
If a creator’s video is removed following a manual claim, the creator will receive a copyright strike on their account. YouTube developed its own “three strikes and you’re out” policy to comply with the conditions for eligibility for safe harbor protection. The first strike serves as a ...
In case you had any doubts, YouTube’s antics in pushing its messaging on copyright reform in Europe should dispel the idea that it is a neutral platform. When safe harbors for companies like YouTube were created in the US and in Europe 20 years ago, it was with the idea of providing...
ObbyRaidz,tweeted a note he receivedwhich said: "We striked you. Our request $150 PayPal or $75 btc (bitcoin)... Once we receive our payment we will cancel both strikes on your channel." YouTube tweeted a response asking him to flag his channel. ...
YouTube hadn’t just removed some of the series’ videos; it had also issued not one, buttwocopyright strikes on his channel. Per the platform’s Community Guidelines, if he got a third strike, his channel would be permanently deleted. ...
DragonForce uploaded a screenshot of the video status, which denoted the copyright strike and ineligible video monetization in a post on X (formerly Twitter). "This must be the biggest mess up we've seen, and we've seen a lot," wrote the band, tagging two official YouTube accounts, ques...
Anyone receiving a “strike” for copyright infringement, must attend a mandatory session at YouTube’sCopyright Infringement School. Can you get an entire channel taken down? As well as reporting individual bits of content, you can also report a channel. Channels are also subject to the “thre...
“Our challenge and opportunity as an industry is to establish effective tools, incentives and rewards – as well as rules of the road – that enable us to limit AI’s potential downside while promoting its promising upside. If we strike the right balance, I believe AI will amplify human im...