From our initial study on the video titles we have already seen some common areas topics or areas were frequntly presented such as dhaka, india, rohingya, cricket and dance. In the next phase of our analysis we’ll look into these areas except the videos related to dance, since we have...
Things of common knowledge don’t require citation, like a famous event or sayings and proverbs that everyone knows of. But we must cite the original conclusion from common knowledge. Information Needed For Citation The best way to cite your work is to keep developing them as you go. This w...
Personal Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives 24播放 Common and Proper Nouns 9播放 Adverbs of Manner English Grammar Lessons 2播放 Present perfect with "for" and "since" 6 Minute Grammar 4播放 Prepositions For vs Since 14播放 Past continuous 13播放 while vs when 6播放 The Present Perfect Tense in...
Stop Word Removal: Eliminating common words (e.g., “and”, “the”, “is”) known as stop words that do not carry significant meaning and are often irrelevant for analysis. This helps reduce noise in the text data. Punctuation Removal: Stripping out punctuation marks like periods, commas,...
If everyone was aware of such a plugin in common use, you would also get far less false positives, but a huge false negative rate. Therefore, this plugin only offers the ability to snobbishly hide all comments. Perhaps a way to reduce false positive rate is to have the ability to not ...