nlp youtube social-media youtube-video youtube-api tree-structure conversational youtube-comments comment-tree social-media-analysis youtube-comments-downloader youtube-analysis youtube-comment Updated Jun 24, 2021 Python dideler / toggle-youtube-comments Star 14 Code Issues Pull requests 🎦 ...
How do people react or express their sentiment in the comment section? Do sentiment change over the time?Part 02: Data collection The required data for this analysis has been scraped using public API provided by YouTube. Time line considered is the whole year (2017-2018). Scraping YouTube ...
Part 2 of the URL shortener system design interview question where we cover how to roughly estimate costs for the project. System Design: URL Shortener -- Database Design Part 3 of the URL shortener system design interview question where we cover database design. System Design: General Approach...
You don’t need to be a coder to perform a YouTube channel crawling project. If you have the source, you can get the data! Why I Built a Youtube Comment ScraperReason #1: Satisfy My Own Personal CuriosityI am new to data mining. I wanted to know how people would spend their Thanks...
(2019) created and released a dataset for counter-speech using comments from YouTube. However, the core idea of directly intervening with textual responses escalates hostility even though it is advantageous to the writer to understand why their comment/post has been deleted or blocked and then ...
A similar sentiment appears in another top comment that states, “maybe they made shanghai disneyland [sic] so they don’t have to go abroad and ruin other disneylands [sic] for all of us,” with the second “they” being Chinese tourists. This by no means is the perspective of all...
We used a social network analysis to evaluate how YouTube recommends vaccination related videos to its users. Results More pro-vaccine videos (64.75%) than anti-vaccine (19.98%) videos are on YouTube, with 15.27% of videos being neutral in sentiment. YouTube was more likely to recommend neut...
学术范收录的Conference SenTube: A Corpus for Sentiment Analysis on YouTube Social Media,目前已有全文资源,进入学术范阅读全文,查看参考文献与引证文献,参与文献内容讨论。学术范是一个在线学术交流社区,收录论文、作者、研究机构等信息,是一个与小木虫、知乎类
Sentiment Analysis features (negative,neutral,positive,compound) for comment text and description text. We used NLTK Vader as our sentiment analyzer. It seemed to have better performance than other libraries such as textblob and fasttext. LD Score: Likes / (Likes + Dislikes) LD Score OHE: Conver...
We added like_rate, dislike_rate, log(comment) and log(views) for better analysis. As we can see from Figure 3.4, the range of views are high, and it performs poorly on box plot. Using log would reduce the range and produce a better box plot for analyzing. ...