Sentiment analysis on the comments of a YouTube video. It uses the YouTube Data API to extract comments from a specified video URL and utilizes the TextBlob library for simple sentiment analysis. - iniyan/simple-youtube-sentiment-analysis
Github repo to upload demo files of youtube videos and linkedin - YouTubeLI/Sentiment_Analysis_Model_using_GBM_H2O.ipynb at master · Alum-G/YouTubeLI
Extract subtitles (captions) from one or multiple YouTube videos. Download YouTube video subtitles (captions) as a HTML, JSON, CSV, Excel, or XML doc.
We concentrated on gathering information from comments on YouTubeFootnote2, which is the most widely used platform in the world to comment and publicly express opinions about topics or videos. We didn’t include comments from LGBTIQ+ people’s personal coming out stories, as they contained person...
Visualize the aggregate sentiment of a YouTube video's comments on an adapted Likert scale. chrome-extension chrome sentiment-analysis youtube-api-v3 youtube-comments likert Updated Apr 2, 2023 JavaScript ZainNaqvi / Youtube-Comment-Box-Clon Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests youtube-comments...
We added like_rate, dislike_rate, log(comment) and log(views) for better analysis. As we can see from Figure 3.4, the range of views are high, and it performs poorly on box plot. Using log would reduce the range and produce a better box plot for analyzing. ...
Our initial analysis led us to ideas of feature engineering that we could calculate based on the available data. Features we created to assist our analysis and model building include: Sentiment Analysis features (negative,neutral,positive,compound) for comment text and description text. We used NLTK...
Our initial analysis led us to ideas of feature engineering that we could calculate based on the available data. Features we created to assist our analysis and model building include: Sentiment Analysis features (negative,neutral,positive,compound) for comment text and description text. We used NLTK...
Sentiment Analysis features (negative,neutral,positive,compound) for comment text and description text. We used NLTK Vader as our sentiment analyzer. It seemed to have better performance than other libraries such as textblob and fasttext. LD Score: Likes / (Likes + Dislikes) LD Score OHE: Conver...
SentimentAnalysis.ipynb SentimentAnalysisnew.ipynb Spam detector.ipynb Spam Youtube01-Psy.csv Youtube02-KatyPerry.csv Youtube03-LMFAO.csv Youtube04-Eminem.csv Youtube05-Shakira.csv Chapter04 Chapter05 LICENSE Breadcrumbs Python-Artificial-...