We live in incredible times with such possibilities that is clear. Although its easily dismissed seeingGoogle’s new dermatology systemwasn’t built with darker skin,the relative landmass the big tech corps are taking in make believe mapsand seeingMob-rule encouraged by the Citizen app. To quote...
But Australian parliamentarians who support Assange say the government should demand his immediate release, after a US news report this week claimed CIA officials during the Trump administration had discussed abducting and even assassinating the Australian citizen. Assange remains in Belmarsh prison in Lo...
Also, today is Tuesday, so if you go Omega then there might be a free 15K skill point vial in the store as well. AND, if it has been more than 30 days since you last logged in, you will also get an additional 7 days of Omega, so you can collect all 14 days of the login rew...
It’s long been a staple of citizen journalism, but YouTube hassigned a dealwith a local news station in San Francisco to enable people to submit their own video reports and photos. It’s a little bit of crowd-sourcing, a little bit of outsourcing, and it probably keeps the station’s...
Byline: Jennifer Harper, THE WASHINGTON TIMESAmericans remain loyal to traditional news organizations despite recent hubbub over on-the-spot Internet coverage.Given the choice, 70 percent would rather watch the evening television news than a "citizen video" report of an event, according to a Zog...
43 Big Picture_ The Citizen Soldier - YouTu 27:51 Big Picture_ The Changed Face of Europe 27:53 Big Picture_ The Big Red One - YouTube 27:07 Big Picture_ The Atom Soldier - YouTube 27:17 Big Picture_ The Army's All Americans - 27:59 Big Picture_ The Army's 82nd Airborne - ...
Subroto Roy, Economist & Citizen, Proposing PM Narendra Modi & Home Minister Amit Shah Apologize to India’s People, Create Remedy, and Resign to Do Prayaschit/Atonement; 9 May: A New Cabinet for President Kovind Introduction and Some Biography Some Recent Work Ukraine History: a Soviet ...
I’m particularly taken by ‘Spatializing the YouTube War’. One of the challenges for those of us who follow these events ‘at a distance’ is precisely how to get ‘close up’; digital media and the rise of citizen journalism have clearly transformed our knowledge of many of today’s ...
” This is similar in some ways to the tension in Disney fandom online: between promotion of the parks and the company for their positive associations and critique of what the company does to grow and profit. And as participatory democracy has grown less responsive to actual citizen demands, ...
Former citizen of Canton, Massachusetts, Rod Matthews, is the person who should be described by both of these terms. The grown man was only a young, scrawny child when he killed the innocent Shaun Ouillette. Prior to this incident, young Matthews abused wild animals, blew up fish, and ...