We live in incredible times with such possibilities that is clear. Although its easily dismissed seeingGoogle’s new dermatology systemwasn’t built with darker skin,the relative landmass the big tech corps are taking in make believe mapsand seeingMob-rule encouraged by the Citizen app. To quote...
But Australian parliamentarians who support Assange say the government should demand his immediate release, after a US news report this week claimed CIA officials during the Trump administration had discussed abducting and even assassinating the Australian citizen. Assange remains in Belmarsh prison in Lo...
Gender equality: Citizen’s Assembly moves to fulfil 1916 Proclamation aims Public policy, gender roles in work and care and sharing of responsibilities to be debated By Patsy McGarrySat Jan 25 2020 - 19:44 TikTok boom: The app exploding in popularity among Irish teenagers The video-uploading ...
It’s long been a staple of citizen journalism, but YouTube hassigned a dealwith a local news station in San Francisco to enable people to submit their own video reports and photos. It’s a little bit of crowd-sourcing, a little bit of outsourcing, and it probably keeps the station’s...
43 Big Picture_ The Citizen Soldier - YouTu 27:51 Big Picture_ The Changed Face of Europe 27:53 Big Picture_ The Big Red One - YouTube 27:07 Big Picture_ The Atom Soldier - YouTube 27:17 Big Picture_ The Army's All Americans - 27:59 Big Picture_ The Army's 82nd Airborne - ...
There wasa news pieceon theStars Reachsite promoting a video featuring Raph explaining how the game’s cloud architecture is structures and some of the technologies being used that I found pretty interesting. I shared this with one of the devs on my team who is also a gamer in part because...
As a self considered citizen of the internet I can only ask that you please reconsider this terrible move. Evdokia Davis from Sunnyvale, CA Aug 31, 2016 20 Somebody is impersonating me and using my name Kia Davis. I've asked this person several times, to delete my name from their ...
There are multiple companies in addition to the large three credit reporting agencies that track your purchases, and many other aspects of your life if you are a American citizen, and that information is bought and sold by the government. You are a commodity, and will be treated as such. ...
Former citizen of Canton, Massachusetts, Rod Matthews, is the person who should be described by both of these terms. The grown man was only a young, scrawny child when he killed the innocent Shaun Ouillette. Prior to this incident, young Matthews abused wild animals, blew up fish, and ...
However, four years before producer Amy Poehler helped her fellow Upright Citizen Brigade alums transform their warped humor into a network television show, it existed as a rough, yet promising, YouTube series of the same name. DuringBroad City‘s Seth Rogen-moderated panel at New York City’...