CHUCHU TV 是 YouTube 上最受欢迎的儿童频道之一,它的订阅量达到 2076 万。 △CHUCHU TV的标志,右上角可爱的小女孩叫CHUCHU,是这家公司创始人的女儿 2013年发布第一首歌《Chubby Cheeks》,不到5年的时间,他们已经是YouTube订阅量...
Youtube订阅第一的英文儿歌早教频道Chuchu TV 第一专辑31首高清儿歌动画集数:31集动画格式:MP4格式动画分辨率:720P字幕语言:英语字幕每集时间:3-6分钟左右适合年龄:学龄前2-6岁内容简介:这个专辑是苹果 APP里的一个专辑,价值31美金,ChuChuTV旨在通过一系列欢乐的歌曲和丰富多彩的动画吸引儿童。 我们所有的歌曲都会...
8、新增童话故事Little Fox频道 1集: 2020年10月21日 Phonics Song 字母A到Z 拼音的字母 儿童童谣 9、新增ChuChu TV频道 1集: 2020年10月21日 Rain Rain Go Away万圣节 婴儿歌曲+更多 10、新增童话故事English Fairy Tales频道 1集: 2020年10月22日 无情公主故事 青少年故事 英文童话 12、新增儿歌Super JO...
“Bath Song” by Cocomelon – Nursery Rhymes – Over 6.2 billion views. “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran – Over 6 billion views. “See You Again” by Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth – Over 6.4 billion views. “Phonics Song with Two Words” by ChuChu TV – Over 5.2 billion views. ...
7. ChuChu TV — Phonics Song with Two Words (5.27 billion views)Phonics Song with TWO Words - A For Apple - ABC Alphabet Songs with Sounds for ChildrenA pretty straightforward educational children’s literacy video, Phonics Song with Two Words features a simple tune that goes through the ...
PhonicsSongwithTWOWords亲子群星-CHuchuTV英语儿歌动画 简而言之,这是一首外国版的字母教学歌,适合父母在忙不过来的时候放着吸引儿童注意力,好让他们能安静一会~ 同属天大地大没有娃大系列~ 14 Counting Stars (30.59亿播放量) △ ...
- LooLoo Kids"Bath Song" - Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes"Wheels on the Bus" - Cocomelon – NurseryRhymesSee You Again" - Wiz Khalifa featuringCharlie Puth"Shape of You" - Ed Sheeran""Phonics Song with Two Words" - ChuChuTV"Uptown Funk" - Mark Ronson featuringBruno Mars"Gangnam Style" -PSY...
7. ChuChu TV – Phonics Song with Two Words Views: 5.21 Billion ChuChu TV is an Indian network of channels publishing YouTube videos that are fun and educational for children. The first video on the list of their most popular content isPhonics Song with Two Words. It helps toddlers to mem...
ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Downloader: Free Download Nursery Rhymes Video Songs With this video downloader, you can quickly and safely download nursery rhymes videos from video-sharing sites including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Dai...
8. “Phonics Song with Two Words” by ChuChu TV (6.2bn views) Yet another educational one aimed at kids (and not the last one on our list). In this video, the song is used to help children understand words and the alphabet.7. “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran (6.39bn views) Ed ...