This is probably the more popular way to write 修 in "brush" calligraphy.Chinese Calligraphy & Painting during 2004 and 2009 (Part 1)以上約略為德藝書法網2004年設立時至2009年期間部份平日書畫練習. 國畫部份大多為未完稿或臨摹練習. Selected pictures, practice sheets, activities, and videos of Chine...
(motorsport)', 'Gardening', 'Tree', 'Call of Duty: Black Ops II', 'Airport', 'Lego', 'Microsoft Windows', 'Hockey', 'Railroad car', 'Amusement park', 'Tablet computer', 'Snare drum', 'River', 'Painting', 'Model aircraft', 'Violin', 'Landing', 'Track (rail transport)', '...
Title:Convenience Ink 方便墨 - Chinese Painting & Calligraphy More Info: Where to get convenience ink ( 方便墨; Pinyin: fāng biàn mò ) 1) Asiade Bookstore in Dallas Phone: 972-238-8408 Their brand is somewhat smaller than the one shown in this video ...