Lofi Girl 络菲|Medieval lofi 中世纪风格🏰「学习/工作/放松/YouTube热门合集/playlist/chill」|Lo-Fi低保真 49.0万 533 01:00:07 App 【在海边小屋里一个人安静的看书学习】吹着海风静下心学习1小时吧!翻书声|海风|夏日|海鸥叫|治愈向|安眠向|手书|白噪音自习室| 23.5万 71 02:13:32 App 【Lofi...
but prefers styles such as Chillout, Downtempo, Ambient, Deep House, Disco, Nu Disco, Electronica, Pop, Lounge. He works with various musicians from both Russia and abroad. A separate area of creativity is background music for business. His work can be heard in many cafes, bars, restaurant...
Lofi Girl 络菲|Asian lofi 亚洲风格 lofi music✨「学习/工作/放松/YouTube热门合集/playlist」|Lo-Fi 1.6万 21 1:13:35 App Lofi Girl 络菲|Lazy Sunday 懒散的周日💤「学习/工作/放松/YouTube热门合集/playlist/chill」|Lo-Fi低保真 1.7万 14 1:00:04 App Lofi Girl 络菲|3 A.M 自习时光📚...
Explore more of our lofi music favorites in our curatedChill Lofi playlisthere: Thematic has the largest collection of free lofi songs to use in your videos. Enjoy these songs copyright free and royalty free when using Thematic.Sign-up for a free Thematic accountto get access to the best fre...
Royalty Free Tracks in YouTube Playlist Explore our exclusive royalty free music. Search, sort, and filter to find your perfect match. Endless Clouds byElizabells Search similar tracks → 2:2694BPM CorporateElectronicFashion / Lifestyle An Epic Journey ...
This music is free to use only if you credit the artist royalty free lo-fi hip-hop musicambientcalmdreamyromanticgentle If you don't want to creditPurrple Cat, pleasecontact us. playlist ROYALTY FREE Summer Chill & Tropical Vibes Ron Gelinas ...
This music is free to use only if you credit the artist royalty free lo-fi musicchill-hopjazz-hopjazzyfashioncalm If you don't want to creditLukrembo, you have to buy a license. playlist ROYALTY FREE Chill, Soul & Jazz Beats Ron Gelinas ...
● Discover music based mood (Chill, Feel Good, Energy Booster, Sleep, Focus, Romance, Workout, Commute, Party)● Explore top charts from all over the world Enhanced your listening experience with unique features: ● Song lyrics so you can sing along to your favorites● Switch seamlessly ...
artist repeats (low, medium, or high) and fine-tune your listening experience by applying filters, such as "downbeat," "chill," and "deep cuts." Furthermore, there's an option to only hear songs from artists you've chosen or allow music from similar artists to show up in the queue....
On Tuesday, theGoogle-owned serviceannouncedan AI feature for customizing playlist art, as part of a bunch of features focused on personalization. SEE ALSO:YouTube Music is adding podcasts YouTube Music users can now use generative AI to design custom artwork through a guided experience directly ...