后来仔细思考和刷了下youtube,认为seed feature应该是指用户正在观看的视频 所具有的属性,某种程度上说表征了用户当前的兴趣。 这里的channel id也不是指的体育/美食这种频道,而是类似于作者id的东西,理由是打开每个视频的作者,其url链接是http://youtube.com/channel/***,而我看几乎所有博主解析这个论文都是说频...
"getChannelID") { var username = request.username; var apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"; var url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=" + username + "&key=" + apiKey; fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { var channelId = ...
YouTube Channel ID finder is a free online tool to get a channel ID or statistics from a YouTube channel by entering a channel link, video URL or YouTube username. The YouTube Channel ID Finder will show the following channel information and statistics: Channel ID. Channel owner. Channel ...
Search (Ctrl-F) forhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/in the page source. The channel ID will appear directly after the/channel/text in the URL path. Check the ID in Developer Tools Navigate to the channel for which you're interested in fetching data Open Developer Tools in your browser (...
'params': { 'part': 'snippet', 'id': channelId } }); }).then(function(response) { var channelUrl = 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/' + channelId; console.log('YouTube Channel Link:', channelUrl); }, function(reason) { console.error('Error:', reason.result.error.message); ...
Select Select all to assign all permissions to the developer account. Create a channel on YouTube. Figure 16 Creating a channel Go to the YouTube home page and choose Your channel. The last segment of the URL is the channel ID, which corresponds to the channel ID in the AICC....
Now observe the URL. The name will appear in the URL as shown in below screenshot. Find YouTube Channel ID To find the Channel ID follow the steps below – Open the browser and go to www.youtube.com Click on the Sign In button on the upper right corner and fill the details asked ...
以MLA格式引用在线视频的格式与APA格式有很大不同。首先,需要使用引号来标记视频标题,然后依次书写发布视频的网站名称、上传视频的频道名称、上传视频的日期、视频网址(URL),具体如下:“Title of video.” Website, uploaded by Screen name, day month year, http://xxxxx.对于前述视频示例,MLA的引用格式...
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Channel ID (Example:UCK8sQmJBp8GCxrOtXWBpyEA) Channel Name (Example:Fine Brothers Entertainment) YouTube URL (Example:youtube.com/mkbhd) Search Terms (Example:Justin Bieber) Self Discovery Channels (Example:#Music) Sharing You can share the live subscriber counts for any channel on YouTube by...