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开启内容营销之旅的第一步,便是打造一个专属的YouTube频道。点击在首页右上角create a channel的选项,进入您的频道。选择创建一个全新的个人频道。为新频道取一个名字,通常企业会使用公司名称、品牌名或产品名称来命名。一旦完成YouTube频道的创建流程,您就可以开始上传并发布新的视频内容了02 完善频道资料 YouTu...
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3 epic YouTube banner examples YouTube banner best practices How to use your YouTube banner for brand building In the busy world of YouTube videos, your banner is like a big hello to everyone who visits your channel. A clear, well-designed banner helps your online brand. It speaks volumes...
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Easily make your own YouTube banner today. Browse thousands of YouTube banner templates and create your own YouTube banner in minutes!
Style/theme ideas I am looking to get a youtube banner made for my youtube channel. I would like for it to say "The Wright Journey". My channel is primarily my husband and I… Requirements I don't have a clear idea just yet, but I do want it to say The Wright Journey. ...