small sections of roads take a whole fukin year. then winter the road cracks again from all the salt sprayed on it. so repeat next year! WOOD houses take like fukin two years. sigh 真是惊艳。 在俺们加拿大所有的东西都好像一辈子建不完。 从高速路上清点儿小碎片要花他妈的一整天。 一小段...
elbuggo 3 天之前 5 推荐 When Ron Paul becomes President, Americans will complete a project like this in half  the time. 如果Ron Paul 能做总统,像这样的项目美国人只花一半的时间就能完成。 【 Google 了一下这位神奇的“未当选总统”: Ron Paul ,美共和党成员,德州众议院代表。他的政...