END * * * * 机器人大讲堂Rob社群开始招募啦!如果您正在从事或想要从事机器人行业、想要学习这一方向,都欢迎您加入我们共同探讨机器人前沿科技。 另外,腿足机器人、医疗机器人、工业机器人、特种机器...
3.6.1 标签计数(tags_num) tags这一列,多个标签以“|”符号分隔并列,且除了每行首个标签,其余皆带有双引号,例如:Robots|"Boston Dynamics"|"SpotMini"|"Legged Locomotion"|"Dynamic robot" 要统计tags的个数,可以等价为统计同一单元格中“|”出现的次数再加上1。 如上图,新增列“tags_num”,输入函数=LEN(...
TheAmerican robotics company Boston Dynamics is (1) (know)for YouTube videos of its dog-like “Spot” and humanoid(类人型的)“Atlas” robots. It recently made public a new robot calledStretch. It is designed to do only one job: to move containers, orboxes, in large buildings called war...
How much do people watch YouTube on tv, United Airlines to show personalized ads on its planes, seat back screens? It's the best thing that smart home robots could possibly do for us. And I have some remote work stats. Join me for this episode. We have three...
When reconstructing the human motions, the authors created one version of the simulation that uses not a humanoid but instead a simulated version of the "Atlas" robots made by Boston Dynamics, complete with the weight (375 pounds) and height (6 feet) of the robot....