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If you have time to kill and want to squeeze in a quick ab workout, turn on one of these YouTube videos.
Here are some of my favorite YouTube workouts videos that are shot in real time, that you can do along with me at home. Most do not require equipment and a few include weights which most of you have at home, right? My Latest VideosFor a full list of my workout videos, visit my...
Your next job starts right here Set up a free profile to showcase your skills, experience and desired pay rate to clients. You choose the payment method that's best for you to easily get paid for your work. Find work Upwork Payment Protection Gives you security and peace of mind Se...
Mom makes up for its stereotype-driven premise with a sweet script and charming work from a well-matched cast led by Michael Keaton and Teri Garr. Synopsis: During the 1980s recession, automobile engineer Jack (Michael Keaton) is fired from his job. When his wife, Caroline (Teri Garr),...
There is no limit to the amount of workout and fitness content on YouTube—for better or for worse. Whether your favorite pilates studio is closed or you’re just trying to save money by not signing up for a fancy gym, YouTube workout videos are a great
3. Create Playlists: By adding videos to your playlists, you have a quick reference to them. If a video is deleted, you still have the title and can potentially search for it elsewhere. 4. Connect with Creators: If you appreciate a creator's work, consider following them on other social...
1. Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism Complete Workout The queen of lean, Jillian Michaels brings her tough training to YouTube. This total-body workout includes seven cardio strength-training circuits created to strengthen and tone every single muscle....
I tested one of the failed videos with opera://media-internals info. It gave these 4 errors: render_id: 9 player_id: 3 created: 2024-07-14 10:45:34.377763 UTC origin_url: kFrameUrl:*** kFrameTitle: *** - YouTube url:...